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Saturday, April 2, 2011

re-living the other night

mar 26

"So darya told me you have aspergers." 
"She did, did she." 
"Yea its ok i have ocd its  pretty much almost the same thing. Well its similar. Do you really over-think things a lot?" 
(laughing) "yea." 
"Yea me too." 
"Oh sorry" (to dogs, accidentally stepped on a foot). 
"Stop it knock it off get outta here!" 
"What did they do?" 
"They're just too close. Buggin me." 
(to dogs) "well i think your cute!" 
"He was a present to my brother. He was so skinny before, u could see all his ribs." 
"I wish i could take this outta here." 
"Here lemme get it. Sorry grandmother." 
"So my ex's mom got in a car accident. I'm kinda close to my ex's mom, she's like another mom to me. She got in a car accident my ex didnt even tell me i called her today And was like 'u could've told me' and she was like 'i was going to' and i was like 'well it happened hours ago.'
...so hows life treatin ya? Your family and brothers and all." 
"Uh theyre all good, i took the boys to their yoga class today blah blah blah." 
told a story about dad telling peter to look out the window of the car cuz he might see obama when we're in DC on the way down to north carolina, blah blah. Made him laugh. 
"Oh maybe i'm doing this slower cuz i'm trying to talk at the same time. Plus i took a hit before. Its making me think even slower."
"I dont care, you're thorough." 
"My buddies wanna throw you a tattoo party. Just dont take 6 hrs to do each one or it wont work." 
"See thats the thing, theres my problem, Its the slowness. I cant guarantee it wont take me that long. Maybe i shouldnt do a tattoo party." 
"Maybe not." 
"...so my ex, lana, she used to go to bloomsburg. I used to visit her there every damn weekend for years." 
he told me a story about going to a party there and getting kicked out/chased after for drinking all their beer. 
"Its a big frat & sorority school. Everyones in frats & sororities." 
I told him my cousin goes there, my cousin who i never get to see anymore and who i havent seen for years and who i only hear about through my nana. Last thing i heard about him was something about him gettin 
into new different kinds of drugs. He said 
"yea i can see that happening there. Everyone does drugs up there." 
Told me a story About how fast coke gets sold up there. Told me a story about being on coke and couldnt talk right, they were trying to talk and just sounding like a bunch of 
idiots and thats when he decided he was done w coke.being around a bunch of ppl on coke and how they ...I told him about salvia making my friend not able to talk right. He told me that 
ever since his breakup with lana his ocd has been so much worse. He told me he washes his hands & brushes his teeth so many times 
a day, puts his clothes on & off so many times, takes his socks off & on so many times, goes up & down the stairs so many times 
and turns the lights off & on so many times. Doesnt like the numbers 5,6, and 9. He won't put on his socks 5, 6, or 9 times. 
"How did u figure out it was ocd?" 
"Its genetic. My uncle has it really bad and my sister has it really bad." 
Then he told me about the fact that he's usually always in relationships and he's been 
in 3 serious relationships since he was 16. He likes having a companion. He wants a companion. 
"You dont meet many guys like that in college," i said. He said sometimes he has to picture his ex ex girlfriend in order to stop doing things over & over a bunch 
of times. He told me about his car accident 3 years ago. He told me about how much he 
works out. He told me he wants to join the marines someday. I eventually figured out that the script i was tracing was going to be 
too small and it wasnt going to work well as a tattoo. His printer/copier wasnt working right either so we couldnt just copy it
and make it bigger, and its not like there would
be a staples store open that late at night either. I told him i would have to
just get it enlarged another time, design the whole thing and all and just tattoo it on him next time i saw him. We were both kinda 
disappointed i guess. I took a moment to verbally beat myself up about having smoked pot before i went there. Soon after that i went home. Before that, tho, i told lan we should think of it 
like we did get something accomplished. We got the consultation accomplished. Usually thats how it is anyway, there's two stages to 
getting a tattoo: the initial consultation about it and then the actual sitting & getting it. 

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