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Friday, March 18, 2011


so the other night i was over at tori's house. i was in her room and one of her brother's friends walked in and told tori something and then she left the room and i guess went to jake's room. a minute or two later she was back and told me he wanted my number. i went over to his room. he was laying in bed and said he didn't feel that good. we chatted for a while and exchanged numbers. i don't know how we got on this topic but he ended up telling me that he used to get in a lot of fights. i guess i looked surprised and said,

"really?!" in an incredulous tone.

"yeah, why?" he said. "someone like that doesn't sound like your kind of guy?"

"i don't know. i don't know what my kind of guy is. i've never had a guy."

"never had a guy?!" he said, raising his eyebrows. "why not?! really?"

"yeah, i don't know. i'm just a loner."

"well, not for long."

"i don't know. people are always saying, like, i don't pay enough attention to them or something. i don't know, i don't know what it is."

"well, we'll check it out and see how it goes."

then we chatted a little longer about other stuff, i forget what. i felt kind of awkward because it was like we had already hooked up and now he was trying to get to know me or something. i went back into tori's room and he ended up going in there after a little while and we all hung out and talked and then when it was getting late, tori and jake's parents started texting them and complaining that they could hear us all talking and it was waking them up.

tori and lenny and i went out to run some kind of errand and then when we came back tori said i should probably just go because she was afraid of getting in trouble if i came back in. i said "ok," hugged her goodbye and she and lenny went back in. i was in my car and jake called and said,

"why you leaving? don't you wanna sleep over?"

"yeah," i said, "but tori's afraid of getting in trouble if i go back in."

he tried to tell me tori was wrong and i could come back and nobody was going to get in trouble. i told him that i just do what tori says because it's a best friend code of conduct. he said he understood. then he called again later when i was already back home and in bed. he said,

"do you wanna come back over? it's ok. it's ok with tori, too, i'll prove it. i'll put her on the phone and she'll tell you." but at that point i was already laying in bed and starting to fall asleep and i didn't want to get up again and drive all the way over there. i was too tired. i just told him that. we said good night and hung up.

then the next day i was over at tori's house and saw jake. he hugged me when he saw me and said hi, but then the rest of the time i was there, he was acting weird. whenever i would walk into a room he was in or he walked into a room i was in, i looked at him, he looked at me and then looked away. then he ended up leaving the house with his friend to go play basketball. he didn't say goodbye.

i left him a note on his bed saying,

"last night i really wanted to sleep over but i just was too tired. maybe it sounds like i'm making shit up but i'm not, i really just can't function without a certain amount of sleep. i still want you though, you're so fuckin' yummy :)."

then yesterday i texted him,

"happy st pattys sexy." he didn't answer. a few hours later i texted him,

"hi am i bothering you." he didn't answer until this morning. he texted me saying,

"hey sorry i was sleeping and no you're not bothering me." a little later i answered,

"ha ok. i wish i just slept over the other night." he hasn't answered yet.

anyway, haha, yeah i guess he's punishing me or getting back at me or something. either that or he really lost interest. i don't know.

the truth is that i really was just going to stop talking to him after the other day because i was too afraid that tori wasn't cool with it. i didn't want her getting jealous or grossed out or anything, and what if she liked me as more than a friend? i wanted to be available just in case. but now these last couple days she's had less time for me (or so it seems), and whenever we do talk it's about her latest guy lenny. so as soon as that pattern started, that's when i texted jake,

"happy st pattys sexy." i guess i was thinking,

"well, fine, if that's how it's going to be... well then guess what, i have a new boyfriend too." then he never answered and i started thinking,

"what if he can tell i only hit him up when his sister can't hang out?" what if he can tell and that's why he's mad or hurt or whatever and didn't answer me all day yesterday. well, is that wrong? is that wrong when the boyfriend plays second fiddle to the best friend? i don't know. maybe to him it's wrong. i guess it's very possible. tori says that her mom worships and babies him and never punishes him for anything, so, maybe that's what he's used to and therefore what he wants. i don't know. why do i care? i only hooked up with him in the first place because he was so insistent on it.

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