the ultimate mind-boggling paradox: the more you learn about life, the more you realize that in the grand scheme of things you really know nothing.
august 15 i sent myself a text reminding me that that day was somehow really connected to penguins. however i forget all the ways. i just remember that darya brought up penguins in a conversation. she was saying that alana is as big as an emperor penguin. also earlier that day at work, we had watched two different movies that had penguins in them at some point: fight club and good luck chuck. also for some reason i had been contemplating getting a penguin tattoo. i also had been contemplating getting an otter though.
when the thought of cops suddenly pops up in your head and you get all paranoid and make sure you're not speeding and not breaking any traffic laws and then realize there is a cop car in viewing distance from may wonder whether you have psychic abilities or whether it was just a coincidence.
things i texted myself:
aug 26:
Ray says being around me is like being on lsd. Shy looks hot esp. W his long hair and esp. W his hair down. How does kelly have such a flat belly? She had twins. 2 nights ago i had a dream that i randomly
decided to tat my face like mike tyson's then i did just 2 lines (around my eye) and i was like "what the fuck, i dont like this.
What was i thinking?" and then i was soooooooo happy and relieved when i woke up
aug 30:
When i was visiting lindsay in virginia i saw a kind of bug i never saw before. It landed on my phone. It looked just like a mosquito but it was black w white spots & stripes. While i was driving down
there i saw this sign by the road that said "aggressive driver imaging for your safety." i wondered, and still wonder, what it means.
Last night as i was on a jog i saw this little mole on the ground....not the kind that just looks like a mouse w no eyes but the
kind that looks like the kind u see in cartoons w the big front digging claws and all. There must have been something wrong w his back
or his hind leg bc he was just laying there on his back, struggling and wiggling like he was trying to get up & walk and he couldnt.
i knew he was injured so i took him back to Pinky and Buffy (i was at Nana's house) thinking they could give him a quick and painless death.
i thought "yeah, sure, Pinky's old and Buffy's fat, but, still...they're cats. if they see a wiggling struggling furry little rodent on the
ground they will find it to be irresistable." however i was wrong. i placed the mole before them and they just stared at it like "what is this
thing doing here? shouldn't it be outside?" pathetic.
one in twenty people has an extra rib. i read it on the back of a cereal box.
i got back in touch with cody. he's going to bloomsburg. i want to see him.
Nana told me about Noah, and how he sees pictures of Ben & Peter and he wants to meet them.
i told Justin how i feel. he feels the same. next time he saw Rachel he was cold to her,
as if he was thinking "Rachel i was only using you to lure Liz home with me. now i have
her. you are no longer of use to me." but i really hope there's no hard feelings there cuz
she's still friends with Tiffany so i think i'll still have to see her sometimes....
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