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Monday, September 27, 2010

playing dead

sean's facebook post. ben bugs me. the bribery of mother nature, misty nights. the possum. the pig. the bat. tommy. josh. shy. pig skin. being around old feeble and decrepit people reminds me that i'll be like that someday. it makes me want to live it up and use my body for all it's good for, while it's still good for anything. so basically being around old people can generally remind me of how happy i am to have a sex life. ironically enough they're the ones trying to impart the message that you shouldn't have a sex life until you're married, and, uh, i most likely won't ever be. do people who believe in reincarnation believe that tattooing and piercing animals isn't animal cruelty? these past few days off and on i've been trying to have ideas for writing poetry. i've been unsuccessful. maybe there's just nothing i want to write about badly enough.

last night there was a possum laying on the side of the road. out of the corner of my eye i saw him move, then when i got closer and focused on him he was still and he was playing dead. i started petting him. he let me keep going for a minute or so before he finally got up and ran away.

the dormouse wondered if it were possible, or right, to grow such an attachment to two beings at once. the mad hatter and the march hare, though, seemed to hold no resentment or jealousy between them at all (as far as the dormouse could see); the three of them just simply and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

"twisted pleasure" feels absolutely no different than anything else.

don't hate on gay people. they can't get accidentally pregnant. amen to that. accidental babies shouldn't have to go through the torture of being born. i think i would know. something occurs to me: women who have abortions--a lot of them most likely were accidental babies themselves. they know what it's like. they don't want to bring that torture onto someone else.

i keep thinking of fantasia the movie. it's been too long since i've seen it.

amanda j. and christopher c. are now in a relationship as of today. sean c. wrote as his status:

it's all a waste of time again
she used to mow the lawn
she always wasted everyone
she always turned me on

there was some kind of little pig in the woods when i was on a walk on wilkinson road tonight. it was either a wild one or an escaped one. i would guess it was an escaped one from ross mill pig farm. it was running and squealing.

we only have three chickens left. the last one that died, was eaten by a hawk. damn fuckin hawks. it's illegal to kill them too cuz they're endangered or something. i want to post something on facebook saying "anyone have a fertile rooster we can borrow? we'll give him right back i promise. all in one piece. after he's served his purpose we'll give him right back. isn't that always the way of things. haaaaaaa"

today i paid eighty dollars for vinny's vet visit. i have to give him this medicine orally twice a day now cuz of some kind of skin infection, and give him a bath with the special shampoo once a week for two or three weeks.

i need more tattoo practice. if not on people then on pig skin. all day today off and on i've been thinking about it. fuckin tommy never showed up for his fuckin appointment with me to get his tattoo touched up. anyway.....pig skin. keep thinking of how to get some without having to buy it and spend my own money on it. i guess when family starts asking me what i want for christmas i'll tell them i want a dead pig.

last time i had a threesome with shy and kelley i was reluctant at first bc after the second time kelley texted me saying "is it bad that i wanted it to be just me and you?" which made me think maybe a threesome shouldn't happen again if she wants it to be just me and her, what if she tries to leave shy out of it and he gets all pissed off then everything's just all fucked up and complicated. anyway to put it shortly, i was hesitant, they assured me nobody's getting upset, and then we just did our little threesome thing and i think this time was the best time so far. kelley spanked me (cuz i kind of requested it). shy fucked me doggie style (and without a condom, which i didn't realize till later. i also figured out lated that that must have been the reason why it felt so good that time and i don't remember it feeling so good before. wow i guess it does make a difference for me as far as pleasure goes, whether or not there's a condom)

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