*Doris & Darya talking, Manny holding Vinny
*Marco & Vinny
*Tom & Sandy as Mother Nature and Father Time
*all the party people
*me & Denise (as one of the guys from Brokeback Mountain)

*Marco & Vinny

*Marco & Doris
*Linda & Manny
*Mom & Dad
*another one of Harry
*Here's the puppy we got!!! his name's Harry. we did a DNA test for him to see what kind of dog he is. turns out he's an american bulldog golden retriever australian shepherd mix. oh and with a little bit of chow chow

Today i thought i was gonna skip running/walking cuz of it being cold out and me having a long day and all (and the gym being closed before i got back from work). Then i realized i wasnt going to be able to
sleep well if i hadnt got my heart rate up or at least gone on a walk at all today (ive been jogging at least 20 mins every day
this past week. Before that i was just going every other day). So i went on a walk. I didnt change outta my regular clothes cuz
i was just planning on walking not running. I got partway thru the walk and realized i absolutely wasnt going to be satisfied at
all just walking. I had to jog. The hole in one of my vans shoes undoubtedly got torn bigger from that. Oh well.
oh p.s. oops i guess i should have put the halloween party pics in a blog from late october or november. ...oh well.