Sent: Jul 13 7:16pm Msg: (1/6) 2 days ago a bat flew past me, right in front of me like i almost hit him,while i was on a jog. It rained and poured madly earlier today.
sent: Jul 13 7:17pm Msg: (3/6) sara c. has to be one of the only ones, if not the only one, who understands me. I'm so lucky to know her. Dave A. keeps talking to me on fb about bedwetting. I guess im the only other one he knows who has that problem and he usu. Hides it from
everyone else so its like a release for him to talk about it w me or something. Pat h. sent me a bday card & check. I didnt cash it cuz i dont feel
right taking her money since i dont consider myself to be in her family.
Msg: (1/6) Ben & peter can swim & tread water now. They have to be wearing those floaty wet suit things but its still cool. Ben is still shitting himself. I dont know what the hell is wrong w him. Oh alana can swim too now.
A horse licked all the salty sweat off my arms last week, when i stopped to pet him when i was out running
Msg: (4/6) i was riding in the car and that song came on the radio: "i just want to fly. Put your arms around me baby, put your arms around me baby." i
thought of dopie/justin. Our arms would go around each other so nicely, we have the same body type. We both have the same kind of long lanky limbs and
he's just the right height for me. ............aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :) :) :) :):) *dreamy sigh*
sent: Jul 24 2:06am
Msg: Sometimes i think i dont really want ppl in my life. I just want to want people, cuz i want to feel normal
Sent: Jul 27 1:52am Msg: Today was a major highlight of my life. Me & shy tattooing. Wow. Major. Major highlight
This is the blog where I'm putting all the pictures from the photo shoot from work.
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