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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"does it really bring you down that much when i don't get when you're joking?" --me, talking to Justin/Dopie

i've heard that in greece heroin is as common as pot and cigarettes.

they've been calling dippin' dots the ice cream of the future for like over fifteen years now.

after i let ralph outside and he unexpectedly ran away and i talked about it on facebook, sean c. commented saying "no offense but i can't believe you really thought he would come back. i do know he loves you tho....just less sense of direction than you thought." i responded "yeah. i'm stupid. it's a pity. at least i never had any human kids."

then last night i had this horrible nightmare that ben & peter were actually my kids, not mom's; i had adopted them from some exotic country while i had been on vacation. they were just babies back then, they may have looked more like baby bushbaby monkeys, and for some reason at the time that i got them i was thinking of them more as pets than children. i failed to realize, until it was too late, that they would grow up to be humans and i would have to be the mother to human children and have full responsibility over them. in my dream, mom was reminding me that ben and peter were mine, my responsibility, and when and if i ever moved back out of the house, i had to take them with me. i was absolutely horrified--not because i don't love ben and peter of course but just because i'm not responsible enough to be the mother of a human. not everyone is cut out for the job. i happen to be one of those people who's not cut out for the job. i was so fucking horrified, thinking something along the lines of "how could i have been so fucking stupid?! i adopted those cute little exotic african babies never thinking they would grow up into grownup humans but then of course they did grow up and what the hell do i do now?!!!!!! there's no way i could ever learn how to be a mother to human children! i'm not responsible enough! i'm going to fuck up their lives so bad

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