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Thursday, February 17, 2011


well i did get the petsmart job. he said i did. then he just never told me when to come into work. i kept calling and he'd say "uhh i have to check with the other managers and see when they have time to train someone and then i'll call you back." the third day or so i just called and said "did you change your mind about hiring me?" he worded his answer kinda weird. he was just like "well i keep trying to figure out if there's a position we have that fits with what you could provide.....it's not a no but it's not a yes right now; i'll keep your information on file and call you if anything changes." and that was it.

i guess it was just that i asked about the drug test. after he interviewed me and basically said i got the job, he took me on a tour of everything and whatnot and then i asked about it. i was like "so i saw on the online application something about a drug test; is that really gonna happen?" he was like "yeah." i was like "oh ok. you don't know when though yet right?" he was like "no." then i just was like "ok that's fine" and changed the subject.

whenever i tell that story to anyone they're always like "ok well that's why you didn't get it. you blew it by asking that." ....i guess i'm the only one who thinks it's kind of rude and intrusive to demand to drug test someone (i mean it's really nosy, especially when marijuana still isn't legalized) and it's the least you can to do tell them when it's going to be.

......the book "midnight in the garden of good and evil" is really really good. it's sucking me in. it's hard to believe it's non-fiction. i've been so sucked into it that last night my mom thought i was ignoring/avoiding her haha

i've just been going through the same patterns, or the same vicious cycle, when it come to guys. ugh.

all day on valentines day i couldn't wait for it to be over.

today was really ridiculously warm. it was in the 60's. it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. craziness. it's february. all the snow's been melting and turning the whole backyard into one big mud puddle.

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