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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


in the movie "waiting," in the end where the quiet kid mitch is finally talking for the first time in the whole movie, and he's making fun of justin long's character and saying "'boohoo i don't know what i want to do when i grow up.' join the f*cking army!" ...when he says that does he mean like, join the army of people that don't know what they want to do when they grow up? or does he literally mean join the army?

i have this new obsession: the album "man's myth vol.1" by twiztid. it's all i listen to in my car whenever i drive now, for the past couple weeks. i love the song "entity" sooo much, and the song "the argument." those are my two favorites. after them i guess are the songs "so high" and "story of our lives."

i don't know why but i still have dreams about my old neighbors ingrid & deter semi-frequently. they were always very nice but they were really private people. i think in all the time i've known them i've only been in their house once. i have these dreams where i somehow accidentally end up overstepping the line between my property and theirs, and then i get all worried and start thinking, "they didn't notice did they? they weren't looking out their windows were they?"

am i going to be one of those women that stops wearing makeup in her middle ages? am i going to be one of those women that gains weight in her middle ages? it happened to both my biological parents. that doesn't seem like a good sign. is it going to just start to get harder and harder to stay thin as the years go by? ...only if i worry about it. stop worrying about it liz. just snap out of it.

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