ive been meaning to write down thoughts for a while. i had a memory of working at fred weiner's summer camp for kids with blood diseases. after he gave his little Being A Camp Counselor 101 speech he said something about like the arc/ark was built by amateurs and the titanic was built by professionals. uh, fred, nobody even knows for sure if the arc/ark really existed. do we have to believe it existed, in order to be allowed to work here?
ben--cast on then off. its been almost 3 weeks. walking almost back to normal.
haha the other night i was walking through the pool room to get to tom's to steal some pot, then mom & chris were in the pool room and they were like "liz let us show u where we hid all the eggs"
to be continued
p.s. the eagle at the top is what i was tattooing on uncle chad in the vid at the bottom