One in three Japanese women under 34 is unmarried. Because of this shortage of husbands, there has started to be classes in Japan that teach women how to get husbands. I heard about this from watching the news. ....Really? All those unmarried Japanese women, well, they should just move over here for christ's sake! They would be so instantly popular they would get husbands in a snap. I mean most guys over here really like Asian women plus there's the fact that this country
idolizes Japan. Hell, these Japanese women have their solution sitting right here in front of them.
It seems a bit like a lot of tattoo people (tattoo artists and/or people covered in tattoos) consider tattoos to be some kind of real art form or something. The tattoo artist Karly I met a couple weeks ago....on her myspace page under "who I'd like to meet" it says "People who love and have a deep respect for the art of tattooing" or something like that. ....tattooing as a real art form? Well that's just stupid. If art is self-expression and tattooing is art, then, what happens when you run out of skin space on your body? Oh. No more self-expression.
Sometimes I wonder whether the boys are really just a lot more of a handfull than me & Chelsea were, or if Mom just has less patience than she used to.
I could use an L trip.
You know when I say stuff like "What if life is just really one long acid trip, or one long dream or something?" a lot of people might think that just sounds insane....but listen to the song "Row Row Row Your Boat," a really popular children's song in this country and time period. Listen to the lyrics: "merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream."
I saw The Godfather all the way through for the first time last night. It seems funny that Vito's daughter's wedding is the big happy event in the beginning of the movie that brings all the family together so the audience can understand how things are in that family...but then by the end of the movie, that wedding or union is an obstacle to that family or something they have to undo or defeat. They have to come together as a family to defeat it.
"Leave the gun. Take the canolies."
Lately it seems to me that it's a very wise move for people to keep their sexual selves and their emotional/sentimental selves separate from each other. I mean unless maybe they want to have kids.....and even then, though, maybe not. It's been occuring to me that I should be happy about being single because it means I'm free. And when I think about it like that then I am happy.